Well Hello There!

If anything here sounds weird or mis-worded I generally don't know English /j

Solar Does

Kai or Solar
He/ They
Self Taught-
Animator/ Artist

Mulit Fandom
*Life Series / HC
Character / Voiced
- Thread ( AR )
- Athena ( MHR )
-Astrid ( DDA S2 )



More Info :]

If you like my work you could always commission me!!

Of course you can also help me out by buying some charms. At the moment I have 2 design but I am working on different designs for other fandoms
note: If a creator has said they don't like things being sold the listing will be taken down immediately

TOS !!

☆ You would need to pay half up front, and the other half when the art piece is done
☆ With simple background they are free , more hard designed background will cost more.
☆ Credit, if you do end up using my art anywhere.
☆ Reference Sheets will have ( full body, 2 sketch expression, 1 flat bust, and showing of hand or color sheet. )
☆ I'll will be trying to give the update on how the process is on the piece.

+ Fanart
+ Oc's
+ Ship Art
+ SLIGHT gore
+ Reference Sheet
× Nudity
+ Furrys
+ Mecha
+ Animals

There is more art work on my social, mainly my Twitter , if you ever want more examples of my art

Payment via PayPal
^^At the moment ^^


Reference Sheets